I'm Helena

:: Skills

  • Prototyping: Figma / Sketch

  • Design Thinking & User research

  • Accessibility & design ethics


  • Agile methods

  • Facilitating workshops

  • Wordpress

  • Cross-functional work

:: Profile

  • I strive to develop a user-centered product with a focus on accessibility and ethics.

  • I value working in teams - you learn a lot from each other. Engaging and including others in the process is also important.

  • I focus on balancing a human centered approach with technological opportunities and business outcomes.

  • I stand for equality and diversity. And I assume you do too.

:: Personality

  • Creative

  • Team-mate

  • Curious

  • Inclusive

  • Empathetic

  • Listener

:: Currently looking forward to experience and grow with Nameless.today

So excited. So thankful. I know I'll have the time of my life with my new colleagues :-D