Internship @ AMF Pension

:: Brief summary of the mission

My main position was next to my supervisor Michaela Zetterström, in two different teams: the design team and in the cross-functional Team Webb. Me & Michaela had a role with UI & UX focus and my task was to sketch suggestions based on insights from previous usage tests, where they had received clear input about users' dissatisfaction with how the value development in their funds was presented. The sketches were further included in new usability tests where we compiled the insights and worked out additional sketches that were presented to the developers.

:: The Process

Initially, I went through insights from the latest usability tests that learned me that users lacked certain pieces of information when looking over their funds. Among other things, several users lacked diagrams to understand the development over time and some parts of the data were not relevant or were missing, for example a total overview for all funds together.

I prepared a workshop for Team Web where we together sketched a fund flow and gave suggestions on how the value development could be presented to the customer and whether we needed to remove or highlight categories in the fund table, such as savings in both percent and swedish "kronor" and so on.

Furthermore, I did a simple analysis of the surrounding world to see how other actors did to achieve this in a comprehensive and useful way.

The sketching of a flow took off and in consultation with Michaela we decided to eliminate the "card-in-card" design so that the user would more easily see how the funds were in relation to, for example, a portfolio. With MVP focus, I created a chart with a y- and x-axis and a graph, a rather bland chart which was a conscious design decision to be able to get further feedback and suggestions from the users themselves at the next round of usability testing. With the priority insights in mind, we also changed the categories that presented different parts of the fund.

The design proposal was lifted into a clickable prototype in InVision and we performed several usability tests which we then analyzed and compiled the insights from.

The insights strengthened our hypothesis about what the users demanded and a further development of the sketches was presented to the developers. In the best of worlds, we had done usability tests again, but my internship was over and Michaela took on another assignment. But I think the job we did gave good results and a good starting point for the new employees who took over!

:: Keywords for different parts of the internship period:

  • Standups


  • Effect mapping

  • Test environment

  • Design system

  • Workshops

  • External analysis

  • Design Thinking Process

  • Facilitate workshops

  • Sketch

  • Customer segment

  • MVP

  • Usability test

  • Solution proposal

  • Creative studio

  • Retrospective